Forecasting Love and Weather, 2022
The drama Forecasting Love and Weather is about people’s lives working at the central weather station in Seoul. This drama shows the troubles that people working in the weather industry go through and how intricate the workings of the weather are. Most of the drama may be about the romantic relationship between the two leads and supporting characters. Still, there was also the portrayal of what might happen in the weather stations of Korea and how those people impact the Korean public’s everyday lives.
The drama not only showed the work of the people in the weather industry specifically but also poked at the work culture in Korea as well. Through this drama, you can get a glimpse of Korea’s work culture from an insider’s point of view and see the differences between Korea and your own country. An outside perspective can view the work culture in Korea as vastly different.
Weather changes due to Global Warming
Everybody has heard of global warming and the effects that it is having on the world. We have all experienced a drop or increase in the temperature. We have seen how the plants and animals we used to see as kids are slowly disappearing. The effects of global warming are something that many of us have grown accustomed to but have not given much thought to. Many professionals have put out information about the consequences of global warming. One of the more considerable consequences of global warming is the effect on agriculture.
In the drama, the character(Yu-Jin) tries to get her global warming article approved by her senior. Still, it is rejected because of the lack of prevalence. Her manager doesn’t think that people will view global warming as essential and only focus on subjects that will bring in the most money. Thus, this shows that he not only didn’t care about the truth but that global warming was not an issue they would have to worry about in the present but in the future.
Impact of climate change on agriculture
In Korea, historically, farming has been one of the critical industries. So, in today’s society, because of the change in temperature caused by global warming, many of the crops’ locations for growing have changed. These changes show how severely, in a short amount of time, global warming has caused changes to the Korean farming industry. According to Yonhap News, crops such as apples and peaches in the growing area(the area where they can grow) have moved north. Also, the land that can grow crops has shrunken exponentially. From 1981 to 2010, 68.7% of the land has been usable, but by 2080 only 0.6% of the land will be functional. Pear’s area of growth, for example, is expected to increase until 2040 and decrease and will continue to have a significant drop after 2050.
Work culture shown through Forecasting Love and Weather
There are distinct differences between the higher-ups (in age and skill) and the regular employees in the Korean Workplace. At the same time, these differences are also prevalent in other countries. Still, in Korea, because Confucianism is deeply embedded in Korean culture and society, these distinctions can be stricter. Before you do or submit any work, you have to go through different levels of people before your completed assignment is approved or not. It is difficult to tell your superiors about it if you have an idea. There is always a need to be careful around those of greater age or status. Because of this, speaking freely in a group meeting, for example, can be difficult. There is always a worry of overstepping and insulting your seniors. While the severity has lessened, the basis of this is still embedded within Korean society and in the workplace.
In recent years, one of the characteristics of a Korean workplace is the different way the younger generation and older generations work. While the older generation works hard and will work overtime and stay in the office until they finish their work, the younger generation is the complete opposite. Even if their daily tasks are incomplete, the younger generation works only the hours they are paid. One example of this generational difference is shown through the Korean slang ‘Kaltoe’ (칼퇴). The ‘Kal’ part of the word means ‘on the dot’ while the ‘toe’ part comes from the word Toegun(퇴근), meaning ‘to clock out’ or ‘to get off work.’ So, Kaltoe’s whole meaning is to get off of work on time. Kaltoe is a new phenomenon that the older generation finds hard to understand. Because of these differences, conflicts between the two generations happen frequently.
There is a very definite work culture in Korea that you do not often see in any western country. There are a lot of unwritten rules that people need to know and follow without another telling them to do so. Also, working being the focal point of your life is something that many of the older generations of Korea follow. Some people overwork to the end of having health issues or the relationships between them and their family becoming ruined. These issues can be seen clearly in the drama when the head of the Meteorologist department has a heart attack. The meteorologist has had very little to no communication between himself and his wife and daughter. His daughter barely knows and feels uncomfortable with him.
Closing comments
The drama Forecasting Love and Weather shows a glimpse into people’s daily lives working in the weather industry and how working-class people live their daily lives.
If you are more interested in learning more about Korean culture, I recommend checking out the many dramas that Korea offers.
Written by : Mariah Abdelfattah
From Southern California, United States. Currently a senior B.A Candidate in Korean Language Flagship at the University of Hawaii Mānoa. Attending Korea University as an exchange student and a Intern at VANK(Voluntary Agency Network of Korea).