On August 3rd 2018, a portion of a highway in California was named after an internationally renown war hero, Young Oak Kim. This is the first time a portion of a USA highway is dedicated to a Korean American.
The Interstate 5 highway (I-5) is a main highway and can be used to travel from Canada down to Mexico. The area dedicated to Kim will be in Buena Park between the border of Los Angeles and Route 91. Many people drive here on the way to and from two famous amusement parks in Southern California, Knott’s Berry Farm and Disneyland.
Kim is a decorated war hero and highly respected in the American military for his strategic tactics. He is the first Asian-American to command a combat battalion in the U.S military and has made many chivalrous victories in World War II and the Korean War such as capturing enemy soldiers for war intelligence and heading important missions. After serving in the army, he retired and continued to be an influential person in the Korean American community. Of the many things he did, some include doing volunteer work for disabled people, the needy, and victims of domestic violence, as well as sponsoring an orphanage for war orphans.
In 2009, a middle school in Los Angeles was also named after the war hero.
To learn more about Kim and the school,
“An American Public School Named after a Korean Man”
Written by: Erica Vinluan
Originally from Los Angeles, California, Current 4th year university student, Candidate for a Bachelor of Arts in the Korean Language and minor in Business Administration at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Exchange student at Korea University and Intern at VANK (Voluntary Agency Network of Korea)